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"HeritageForAll" initiative offers a variety of study topics and articles that are viewed the diversified perspectives and overviews of cultural heritage and museological sectors.


Ancient Memphis: Human-induced Impact Assessment 

Organization Blog "The Heritage Trust"
By Mr. Mohamed Badry in 23 November 2015


Although the site is included in the list of World Heritage Sites, Memphis and its Necropolis, UNESCO is actually only interested of the Giza plateau site and other neglected sites from Saqqara to Dahshur. ​Mit Rahina is considered an adequate archaeological site for implementing Heritage Impact Assessment methodology providing an example of the Human-induced Impact on such archaeological sites. ​
The researchers used archaeological and Egyptological-related libraries, internet sources etc, together with oral sources obtained when interviewing Mr Mohamed Fathy Mansour of the Mit Rahina Inspectorate, during a fieldtrip conducted on Thursday, 16 January 2014. The visit evaluated the ground cover and potential for buried archaeological materials, as well as recording any standing or obtrusive archaeological and historical features. 
This research will assess the current situation of Mit Rahina, the open air museum and the surrounding archaeological components which have been affected by human-induced impacts. It will then provide Heritage Impact assessment procedures, describe the current or proposed changes, and then identify the threats to the site in order to analyze its potential impact. Consequently, it will then suggest some mitigating measures.

Developing Innovative Marketing Plan to Augment the Visitation of Egyptian World Heritage Sites: A Case Study on Saladin Citadel 

Master of Arts in Heritage Conservation and Site Management.
Helwan University (Egypt) & Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (Germany), Cairo

By Mr. Mohamed Badry in 11 November 2015

Heritage, either tangible or intangible, is considered a tool for conserving the inherited past, which forms the present identity, into the distant future for the new generations. Regarding our current socio-cultural needs, the word "heritage" contributes to the promotion of the image of cultural heritage sites, landscapes, and museums. Heritage destinations are the places where the people can realize the past and their memories; moreover, to communicate emotionally with the heritage area.
Research views the concept of heritage marketing as a process which augments the visitation of heritage attractions. This process is considered an operation of strengthening the visitor's satisfaction, within the appropriate offered programs, via selecting the exact target audience. Marketing deals with heritage sites, landscapes or museums through two factors “value for money” and “edutainment”.
A review of the literature finds that heritage marketing is focused on promoting the heritage sites or landscapes. On the other hand, there is not a main structure or framework developed for the marketing plan of cultural heritage sites. Consequently, research would like to fill this gap explaining the main steps of heritage marketing plan. It applies the developed structure for a heritage marketing plan to one of the components of the Egyptian World Heritage Site “Historic Cairo”, Saladin Citadel as a case study.​

World Cultural Heritage and Economic Thinking: A Case Study on Bayt al-Kritliya

New Delhi-supported Initiative GoUNESCO
By Mr. Mohamed Badry in 1 December 2015


The Egyptian heritage sites have a great economic value regarding its culture significance and outstanding universal values. Some of these sites have a great problem “the fund” which might be tackled throughout investing economically the site. The paper shows a brief historical background about the site, introduces an economic evaluation, and analysis as well as suggesting some recommendations which shall be assisted the Egyptian government to develop the site as to have a capability of covering its expenditures as self-financed entity.

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